
"A human mind is an interesting phenomenon. It likes everything which it didn't have and regret what has passed or eagerly await for what is going to come. But again, it never feels satisfied in any given condition with given resources."

We all may have experienced this at any given point of time. While we were young, school going, we envy to those who were going to college. They have more freedom, more pocket money and fewer questions from parents. Things change when we reach college. The things which were charm at the school days looks obvious and we start looking for our own money, i.e. to start with a Job.

Job is very different from what we have done earlier in our life (23-24 years). In the start it looks flashy and colorful, you like the first day at office, the comfortable chair (which you never had in your life earlier), the cool and comfortable office AC, warmness with which your colleague greets you, free coffee and tea, responsibilities which you receive, your workstation, your desktop/laptop, your first own visiting card, your first salary message on your mobile... everything! Initial 2-3 months looks like paradise on earth, you love the job, job loves you, you meet people with real substance and suddenly start feeling like a new entity altogether. You desperately try to leave all the signs of college which were with you and look more composite, mature, responsible and sophisticated.

But again our mind’s peculiarity comes in the scene and after 2-3 months of the honeymoon, you visit the reality. You start hating the chair on which you spent 10-12 hours of a day, you occasionally walk out from the office AC to get some fresh air, you don’t like your colleague since most of them do back-bitching and load their work on you (as you are a fresher), you go out from the office to buy a cup of coffee since you want to relax from the work, you hate your responsibilities since they mean late night stay at office and sometime screw your weekend, you go to an ophthalmologist since you long hours in from of the screen gives you headache.

You suddenly realize that the paradise which was there few days back has vanished and the bitter reality has replace it with tension, frustration and (sorry to say) confusion. It was a very difficult to realize the nature of this transition and understand that what you saw as Corporate earlier was just a mirage and no more exists. You look back to see all those days of school and college, and feel surprised that how come you never cherished those moments when they were with you! You fight with yourself desperately to again become the same college boy (at-least on weekend) and try to discard yours composite, mature, responsible and sophisticated nature.

Till that time my friends, it is very late. No matter how hard you try, you can never go back to yours original self. In fact that self is no longer you, you have to accept and live the new self which you have developed over yourself. You, after some resistance, you become one of those, (or worse) keep your identity and remain in pain. And guess what the cherry on the cake is….. “You have to live the same (or may be worse) life for another 35-40 years”!