Lesson I learned...

"It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a hurricane halfway around the world"
This I have taken from title card of the movie Butterfly Effect and since then I understand cause and effect theorem applicable for life (not only business). We all have tendency of finding possible reasons (excuses) for each and every disaster happened and seldom look at ourselves. We can blame anyone but ourselves and call guilty, and then discuss entire weekend night that how that person could have avoid that. I am no exception and inf act 99% of the "intellectual and educated" society (of which I and you are important part) have the same tendency. I will come to that later but lets just revisit the theorem and my journey to achieve that.
I was a member of hardcore hindutva supporting family (party choice is obvious) and been to schools where we have to pronounce our classmates as bhaiya (brother) and bahen (sister). I was clearly influenced by their teachings and was a religious follower of those practices (including chanting mantras just before taking lunch and dinner). It was even when 6th Dec 1992 happened, I was loyal supporter of their ideologies and continue to remain same, also I was very young to understand the gravity of what-has-happened (not even after Mumbai bomb blast).

Engineering college changed a lot of me, and my perspective of looking at things (in fact I should give credit to all the free time college has provided me to pursue my new hobby: "Reading"). "Lazza" by Taslima Nasreen is one such fine creation which actually shocked me, completely. For those who didn't read this one, it's story about a hindu family in Bangladesh who suffered badly after Dec 6' 92 incident since their fellow country-men wants to take revenge of what has happened in India; Interesting sad story with facts. There, I came to a conclusion: Big power comes with big responsibilities (I could have sue "Spiderman" if I would have wrote this blog then) and those who don't understand the word responsibility have no right to be in power, also consequences of your deed could have ripple effect and if you are an "important and powerful" person, you have to be very careful before uttering a single word, left alone taking any action.

I was wrong here, in fact I was not 100% correct; its not only important and powerful, its every single person who's action matter. May be none of my action is causing any ripple effect which is changing the scenario of the world, but its changing life of those few people who are world for me. I have faced this time and again, and refuse to learn. That's why I love life because it comes back to you every time with same lesson with more painful reward, and its completely up to your conscience when you finally quit that habit of ignoring the lessons of life and embrace every bitter learning in the sweetest way possible. I just did that while I hurt someone whom I love more than anything in the world, and I just hope that I don't need any revision.

PS: I love you mom!

Beauty lies in the eyes of Beer-holder...!

I hate perfections! I mean how come anybody (a living being) can be perfect. You can achieve perfection in some parts (viz. smile, hairs, intellect, and charisma) but as a final product, can you be perfect, I doubt that!

Let me educate audience how this thought crossed my mind. I was watching one recently released Hindi movie and the actress was looking almost perfect. Of-course she has perfect hairs, smile, looks, figure and she is not a bad actor. BUT isn’t she looking surreal, somewhere something is fake, not earthly but heavenly.

Let me quote a dialogue from a latest Hollywood release “Head over Heels” (movie was stupid and complete non-sense), where lead actress told a model that “Small imperfections make you more beautiful than perfection on each and every aspect”. Though it was solely commented for the beauty treatment the model was undergoing to do some alignment on her face, but isn’t it true for everything. Don’t we realize that some of the best moments in any outdoor trip are those which were not planned and came out of mistakes, or a mole on a girl’s face make it more beautiful while it’s still a ugly black mole. Just imagine if your boyfriend or girlfriend is always perfect (and hence Predictable); or your kid is not making any mistake; or everyone in your class/office is perfect, not giving any chance to anyone to complain, HOW BORING THAT WOULD BE! (Not to mention that half of the Support and consultancy jobs will not be there since everyone is perfect in doing their respective jobs)

To conclude, I think we should settle with some imperfections. I know a lot of people who visit Doctors and Dentist to make sure that everything on their face should look symmetrical. My opinion is, lets continue with that imperfection, since those imperfections make you distinguishable and those who laughs or comments on you don’t know the real meaning of beauty. And above all, these small imperfections make us distinguishable from each other. Sorry Deepika, I won’t prefer you as an actress, you are so… SURREAL!

10 reasons why beer should be served at work…
1. It's an incentive to show up.
2. It leads to more honest communications.
3. It reduces complaints about low pay.
4. Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear.
5. Increase job satisfaction because if you have a bad job, you don't care.
6. It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work.
7. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted.
8. Employees work later since there's no longer a need to relax at the bar.
9. Employees no longer need coffee to sober up.
10. Sitting on the copy machine will no longer be seen as "gross."


“Do you write blogs?”
“Yes, sometimes”
“Can you write about this trip, it was fun. isn’t it?”
Surely it was! 320 Kms from Bangalore, on the sea side, an Old city with French architecture, dirt cheap liquor, fantastic beaches and couple of day’s bike ride. This trip to Pondicherry at-least worth a blog, I thought.

Let me start from the beginning.

Earth was created 4.5 billion years ago from Universe which is apparently 11.2 Billion years old and created after a phenomenon called Big Bang. Earth was split from Sun and since then revolving around it with a speed of 29.8 kilometers/second. 29 thousand years back humans evolved and since then (I believe) they have a tendency to roam around, especially when they are bachelors; have powerful bikes and enough money to sustain.
It took approximately to 3 weeks to implement the plan of this trip. Since India won its first match with West Indies on the same day (though they lost the second one terribly when we were coming back) and weather couldn't be any better; 8 young men, on 4 bikes started on May 27th 2009 at 0430 Hrs.

It was fun till first 50 Kms and then we realized that sitting on bike creates some unbearable pain in lower parts of body specially those parts which you use in the morning to relieve yourself. Anyway, there’s no going back and we realized that the “pain problem” is just a mere start and somewhere around 120 Kms from Bangalore, we had a Flat Tire. Luckily it was a village with puncture shop as well as small south Indian dhaba; obviously, we had (yummy and cheap) breakfast there and in the mean time Mechanic operated on the bike. When we were ready to roll again, one of our esteemed colleague notice another flat tire (in his bike), and in total this entire “Flat tire” episode cost us 1.5 Hrs. Well, rest of the route was all right, and since none of us were accustomed to the heat and humidity of that part of India, all were visibly tired and frustrated. We reached Pondi around 1230 Hrs (after suffering from one more Flat Tire just before the gate of Pondicherry) and first things we sought for were AC room and one chilled beer which we got without much effort (from my side) and finally Lunch. In the evening most of us (except two lazy bones) went to Aurobindo beach which is famous for flat beach and you can go in the sea to take bath (and ogle on girls who are taking bath). Well we were lucky to have good weather, some beauties and no nonsense at the beach, but lasted for only one hour, after that it started raining and beauties lost somewhere in the huts nearby.

We made a commitment to ourselves that we will take at least a (or couple of) beer whenever get a chance, and un-disputably did so. That make 2 beers just before dinner with capacity of at least one more but since market was closing and there were two poor souls (one was me) who don’t kill others to feed themselves (vegetarian), we headed for the search of restaurant. It took us two hours to have dinner (No, we don’t eat that much, but it’s difficult to find a restaurant in Pondi which doesn’t smell like fishermen paradise). After dinner there were usual songs, gazals, girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-ex girlfriends, hot-neighbor discussions and finally we doze off by midnight.

Morning was cool and relax (we slept at-least 6 Hours and it was cold inside room), and we immediately rushed to the beach (again, to find some eye tonic). Well, undesirably we didn’t get any but view was awesome, had long sessions of modeling and photographs (Kingfisher calendar rival) and decided to leave for breakfast. Breakfast was usual, idly, vada, poori and beer. By the time we were back in the room, rest of the mates was waiting for us and then the discussion of going back was started. After long heated discussion, another set of beer was called out and it was not before two more beers, we finally packed our bags, had lunch and bid adieu to Pondicherry at 1700 Hrs on May 28th 2009.

Rest of the journey was boring, had no flat tire, bottom was aching like an old wife and Monday blue was already there. Everyone was thinking about Beer, Beaches, Babes and of-course Bikes. One important thing in the trip was one big mistake (call catastrophe) which my colleagues committed; they made me Finance in charge. Guess they didn’t learn anything from the Satyam episode and were very confused when I sent them the final settlement account (I heard they are sitting on this weekend to figure out what exactly has happened in the finance during the trip, without me).

See you soon Pondicherry.. again!


"A human mind is an interesting phenomenon. It likes everything which it didn't have and regret what has passed or eagerly await for what is going to come. But again, it never feels satisfied in any given condition with given resources."

We all may have experienced this at any given point of time. While we were young, school going, we envy to those who were going to college. They have more freedom, more pocket money and fewer questions from parents. Things change when we reach college. The things which were charm at the school days looks obvious and we start looking for our own money, i.e. to start with a Job.

Job is very different from what we have done earlier in our life (23-24 years). In the start it looks flashy and colorful, you like the first day at office, the comfortable chair (which you never had in your life earlier), the cool and comfortable office AC, warmness with which your colleague greets you, free coffee and tea, responsibilities which you receive, your workstation, your desktop/laptop, your first own visiting card, your first salary message on your mobile... everything! Initial 2-3 months looks like paradise on earth, you love the job, job loves you, you meet people with real substance and suddenly start feeling like a new entity altogether. You desperately try to leave all the signs of college which were with you and look more composite, mature, responsible and sophisticated.

But again our mind’s peculiarity comes in the scene and after 2-3 months of the honeymoon, you visit the reality. You start hating the chair on which you spent 10-12 hours of a day, you occasionally walk out from the office AC to get some fresh air, you don’t like your colleague since most of them do back-bitching and load their work on you (as you are a fresher), you go out from the office to buy a cup of coffee since you want to relax from the work, you hate your responsibilities since they mean late night stay at office and sometime screw your weekend, you go to an ophthalmologist since you long hours in from of the screen gives you headache.

You suddenly realize that the paradise which was there few days back has vanished and the bitter reality has replace it with tension, frustration and (sorry to say) confusion. It was a very difficult to realize the nature of this transition and understand that what you saw as Corporate earlier was just a mirage and no more exists. You look back to see all those days of school and college, and feel surprised that how come you never cherished those moments when they were with you! You fight with yourself desperately to again become the same college boy (at-least on weekend) and try to discard yours composite, mature, responsible and sophisticated nature.

Till that time my friends, it is very late. No matter how hard you try, you can never go back to yours original self. In fact that self is no longer you, you have to accept and live the new self which you have developed over yourself. You, after some resistance, you become one of those, (or worse) keep your identity and remain in pain. And guess what the cherry on the cake is….. “You have to live the same (or may be worse) life for another 35-40 years”!

Is it right!!!

"This is the best time to do whatever you want... Come late and leave early... go on vacation without applying for leave... No one is monitoring us.. they all busy in tackling Customer and Regulating agencies... so enjoy maddi...." One of my colleague said to me and I was surprised. Either this guy is the deadliest optimistic or has no respect for his job or profession.

Well I work for an IT company which is making news from last one month with all the wrong reasons, and courtesy to latest turn of events, things has become worse. Everyone is translating situations as per his/her conditions and intellect level. But what my colleague has just told me was disturbing. My primary reaction was to give him a cold look and then leave from cafeteria. But his point stuck me.

What he said was true. No one is monitoring us. As Customer making noise on every possible excuse and, SEBI and other regulating agencies are on our neck, no one has time for employees. Though senior managers are interacting with us regularly through con-calls or mails and providing us updates and possible-future-scenario, but still their first preferences are customers who are ready to go to some other vendors and our competitors who don't want to touch a tinted company but love to hug tinted company's clients.

But does that mean we take advantage of it!!! Personally I never had any affection with my organisation (reasons are many, mostly personal), but when anyone is in problem, its our tendency to help him/her. If I feel that I can't help, I may leave the board and go some where else. But to take advantage of an entity which is in problem, is not a gentleman act. I receive approximately 10 mails daily talking about their support to organisation. Some of them mention recent (favorable) happenings from client side and other mention how we can make our organisation a better place. The message is very clear from those mails.. Help self and Help others... 

Well, after i get back to the seat and this guy came to me again, smiling and said "Dude.. You took that to your heart. You will anyway leave this company as soon as things come out black and white. And I was just suggesting the best way to utilize the time which you have while in the company" 
I was now furious. Keeping control on myself, I asked him "Do you smoke".
He took it as an invitation, replied " No thanks!"
"Then you should start it soon buddy"
"Someday you will bury (burn) your Friend/relative/colleague and that time you will surely want to utilize the fire of the funeral. Take my advice, start smoking, otherwise you will regret for not utilize that light for your lifetime"

And obviously that guy didn't speak to me again...!!!