Just about weekend...

* Writing a title for the Blog is always difficult, so if you don't find any relevance of title with the content... just bear with me*

Life can't be simpler any day than in weekend morning. You wake up at daily routine and suddenly find that there's nothing you need to do today (I am talking about only Bachelors), and generally people like us sleep again.  So the morning which normally happens at 6:30 - 7:00 happens at 10-11. By that time there is no scope left for breakfast and Lunch becomes heavy. Things like shower and other chores looks alien and after lunch you have a strong urge to sleep again. Evening looks pretty and time to go for some shopping (bird-watching precisely) and may be movie or dinner at some good restaurant. People who have some other interests, bring bottle at room and do the party, those who are more civilised (or can manage a heavy paycheck) go to pubs and bars.

Oh, I forgot to tell you my location (without which you can't imagine the precise picture). At one side of my flat, there is Big Venkteshwara Temple and at the other side One highschool. Saturday is very auspicious day for Lord Venkteshwara and since its the biggest temple in the 3-4 KM radius,the die-hard devotees of lord Venkteshwara make sure to ruin the Saturday morning (dont take me wrong, I like sound of mantras and other rituals, but I hate it when they make the outer premises of temple as the noisest junction of Bangalore). And this is not all, at the other side Highschool is always in the competition with temple and there is always some or other function going on there (specially on Saturday). Since it comes under the marketing strategy of the school, those guys put two or three loudspeakers and then do the running commentary of the event in full volume.

After receiving this tortured Saturday morning, I believe things can't be worse (unless my landlady come to visit me or I get a call from my boss). Being a non alchohlic person with bare minimum pay cheque, evening party happen at home with good food (courtesy to my cooking) and great company (my dentist brother). And this end my fabulous half of the weekend. Other half is pretty same except the fact that I know that tomorrow is not a holiday.

1 comment:

rita said...

An honest blog ..liked the way ur mind functions ,but u neglected one thing..sahi mayne main monday is a HOLIDAY for you :P..because u are saved from the noise and moreover u can sleep in office :P