The route less taken...

I always wanted to be a politician.

There are many characteristics I find in the politicians. some of them are...

1. They need not to study very hard and get good grades. What require most is dedication for this profession and do whatever it demands (I really mean whatever).
2. This profession also requires lot of hard work and patience, which once you have, you can apply anywhere.
3. You have to be an actor to be a successful politician, but apart from that you also need to be shameless, liar and crook. (This is the precise reason that none of the actors ever succeeded in this industry)
4. You should have a capacity of deny anything and everything, no matter how true that is and how strongly you believe in that.
5. You have to be a Leader that means either you born with leadership qualities, or born at a leader's home.
6. Last but not the least, you should have a ability to handle people from extremely diversified background. That too with utmost confidence and according to their strata.

As i was saying, I always wanted to be a politician, but with a difference. I do have certain above mentioned qualities but definitely not all. Its a sheer human psyche that everyone wants to achieve what he ever dreamt, but not willing to change oneself for the goal. Those who do change, achieve the goal, but those who don't (like me) change the goal a bit and then make a try to achieve the refined goal. Well this is a iterative process and iterations keeps going till you achieve something (which you can consider as an achievement).

My condition was full of different kind of TERMS and CONDITIONS. Words like Politics and Business were not allowed to to speak in my family, due to complete failure of some of my past generations in these two. I tried different route then.

First was going through the Indian Defense forces. I was passionate for the fighter jets and their uniform but most importantly I was aware of the kind of respect our brave soldiers receive from general public. This could have been an excellent start of my political carrier (first few years with the forces and then become politician). There was another reason as well, I was (in-fact I am) very optimistic that some day our defense forces will take over the country from crooked politicians and then things could have been much better for me as an officer. Well things didn't shape up as I expected and Indian Air Force told me that you can be a pilot but not fighter pilot 

Well this has failed and (you can say) my near future planning has completely collapsed. After that to build my career, I did engineering and then MBA. I am still looking for things to change as I recently found out that I am no good for the IT sector. Weird things happen with me all the time and looking for some immediate change, the best idea I have is to join government service at officer level, so I can see the dirty dance of politics very closely and then find out the route to enter in the den. Lets see...

1 comment:

rita said...

As usual savy entertains you with his wonderful sense of humour ...well expressed ideas and that too well observed too..waiting for the day u will join politics savy:P hum bhi kuchh kaam karwa lenge :P