Just Like That...

I don't have a particular reason for writing Blogs (like most of the Bloggers), but I like change. I get bored very easily with things and to overcome that, i need something which is different. It may involved changing office computer setup, changing setting of my bed or may be even changing my bus seat. And this is just another attempt to come out of boredom of job and life, specially when I am working for a sector which is very strongly got a hit from present market condition and staying in a city which is just a city for the record and if you see the overall psychology, you will find a overgrown town. 

Many expert bloggers suggested me that first topic should be very interesting and convincing (first impression is the last impression funda), and most important, make readers curious about what may come next. I have taken that and thought of various topics.... Politics, Terror attacks (i don't know but these two comes together in my mind), movies, Sex, Office gossips, culture, technology etcetera.

I choose to remain weird, and hence: a story of today, in fact three. Somewhere related to Terrorism but more about us (you, me....us)...

1) I was going out for tea in morning (sometimes I dont take it in the office) and when I passed from the cabs who generally stand outside, from somewhere the fear of a Bomb Blast stuck me. for few second I was afraid. Any of those cab may have a explosive material inside. Though I waived off the idea as early as possible, but i was victimised of those terror attacks for few seconds. I was cursing those terrorists and our politicians.

2) In the afternoon I received a mail from my super boss, mentioning the cancellation of the Client Visit. (In case you don't know about IT industry, Client visit is a one of the Top Priority event which involve anyone and everyone, typical pain in the Butt). Reason was the recent terrorists attacks and their threat of repeating 9/11. For few hours, I was happy. It simply means at least a relax weekend. I was not cursing anyone now. 

3) My family friend was in the city for the Business trip and she has to catch tomorrow (Dec 6) morning's flight to Delhi. We had a excellent dinner and when finally when I dropped her to Guesthouse, I was concerned for her flight. I am afraid and angry, afraid to terrorists and angry to our politicians, because some where they are responsible for whatever is happening.

Here I am not arriving any conclusion or giving any suggestions to anyone about how they can do better (believing that everyone know his/her job very well). As I earlier said, I like change, and I believe in change. lets see.....


Parul said...

Nice first blog..liked the way u presented views..

rita said...

good attempt and i liked the change !!instead of using difficult words ,u have used simple words and i liked that ..people tend to use big words and tend to make a mess of it all :) :) :)